San Diego Hula Academy is comprised of several divisions.

Our beginnings included just 600 square feet and only a handful of students. Since our inception in 2018, we have been blessed with extraordinary growth, gifted with beautiful some of our division names from Lehua Kawaikapuokalani Hewett and surrounded by boundless friendships and love.

san diego hula academy + Kūhai Hālau o Kawenaokalā’īokalani pā ‘ōlapa kahiko

We are blessed to be a part of the rich lineage of Lehua Kawaikapuokalani Hewett and as such have the privelidge of being a part of the Kūhaii Hālau ‘ohana representing the origins linked to Aunty Emma DeFries. For formal presentations, we have the ability to use our Hawaiian name - Kūhai Hālau O Kawenaokalā’īokalani Pā ‘Ōlapa Kahiko.


Hau’ura, the ‘red hau blossom’, or tiare teina, the little sister to the tiare, the Tahitian gardenia, was named by Lehua for Kumu Kawena and the glow her name represents. Our Pupu ‘Ori (Tahitian dance school) includes beginners as well as accomplished dancers and focuses on proper technique and basic ‘ori steps in addition to choreography.

The ‘ukulele Department

San Diego Hula Academy offers ‘ukulele classes suited for both adults and children (6 years+). Students learn chords, strumming patterns, mele, music theory and more!

Ho’okani BAND

Our Ho’okani band is known for their sweet sounds, playing live music for the hālau, general public and private events. With an emphasis in Hawaiian music, our band can also be found jamming to contemporary tunes.